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7. December 2023

Uría Menéndez joins the RWG

Uría Menéndez is a leading law firm in the Ibero-American market with 12 offices located in the most important financial centres throughout Europe and the Americas. Founded in 1946, Uría Menéndez has over 600 lawyers who advise on Spanish, Portuguese and EU law in business-related matters, covering all industry sectors. 

Transport, logistics and mobility form the backbone of the current economic, social and business environment. The result is a dynamic and complex regulatory framework that requires an all-encompassing approach to legal advice and transactional support. We are the only major Iberian firm with a long established practice in this area, advising on the most relevant deals, day-to-day business and regulatory matters and litigation cases within the market.

Our multidisciplinary and versatile team knows how to design and implement regulatory and financing structures (particularly, those linked with the Cape Town Convention), execute corporate and infrastructure transactions, and manage risks in the rail sector. We support the main players: banks, funds, leasing entities, rolling stock manufacturers and rail companies with deep understanding of the legal framework and access to regulators and key local authorities.